Rule 606 Report

Triad Securities Corp. has prepared these reports pursuant to SEC Reg NMS Rule 606 requiring all brokerage firms to make publicly available quarterly reports on their order routing practices. The reports provide information on the routing of "non-directed orders". This is any order that the customer has not specifically instructed to be routed to a particular venue for execution. For these non-directed orders, Triad has selected the execution venue on behalf of its customers.
Pursuant to this rule, customers can request details on the identity of the venue to which the customer's orders were routed for execution. It is important to note that Triad does not have a program for internalizing order flow, accepting payment for order flow, or participating in a profit sharing relationship with any venue...

S&P 500

Non S&P 500


Triad Securities Corp. (“Triad”) is a broker-dealer which executes customer orders as agent and receives remuneration for performing these execution services. In an effort to seek best execution, Triad routes client orders to national securities exchanges and other broker-dealers (venues or market centers). Based upon the fee schedule of those venues, certain market centers assess charges/fees for orders that take liquidity from their books and offer credits/rebates on a per share basis for orders that provide liquidity to their books (i.e. the maker/taker model). In some cases, it is possible that the credits/rebates offered by a market center to a broker-dealer to which Triad routes customer orders may exceed the charges/fees assessed over a period to that broker-dealer; such cases constitute payment for order flow. At times these destinations may share a portion of these payments with Triad. This does not affect Triad’s policy to route customer orders to the trading center where it believes clients will receive the best execution, taking into account price, reliability, market depth, quality of service, speed and efficiency. The trading centers that share a portion of their payments may provide the opportunity for execution of orders at prices better than the National Best Bid or National Best Offer.
Material aspects of relationships with the venues to which customer orders are routed:
Fees and rebates are non-negotiable and are set by the exchange. The fee schedule may contain tiers based on volume thresholds. For NYSE ARCA a detailed fee schedule is available at the following url:
Fees and rebates are non-negotiable and are set by the exchange. The fee schedule may contain tiers based on volume thresholds. For NASDAQ a detailed fee schedule is available at the following url:
Triad's agreements with the following broker-dealers do not contain volume-based tiers or minimum order flow requirements. Their fees listed above are a blended rate derived from exchange pass-thru fees/credits, clearing fees, liquidity fees and execution fees.

Clearpool (CPEM); Dash Financial (DFIN); Knight Securities (NITE); Matrix (REDG); Matrix Options (RSKY); PTR Inc. (PTR); RQD (CMSP); Trademax NYSE (WALL); Virtu/ITG (IAEC, ITGI, VALR); Wall Street Access (VNDM, WABR); Cowen and Company (COWN); Speedroute (SPDR); Fidelity (NFSC); Oppenheimer & Co. (OPCO).